Would you believe I've never seen this? Shameful, I know...I really need to! It's sports and business which I find very interesting.

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Oh, you’d love it. It’s genuinely amazing how it makes the whole thing so accessible.

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I'm gonna be that guy... shoot me for being that guy, please, I don't like being that guy.

I LOVE this movie. I love the dialogue, I love how indeed it is romantic about baseball. I love Brad Pitt as his Braddest Pittiest, so handsome, so funny, so comfortable in his skin. Philip Seymour Hoffman was my favorite, and I love him in this too. Love it all... but...

It's kind of bullshit. You can draw a straight line from "Moneyball" to the end of A's, because the big discovery of sabermetrics is essentially how, with a different way to evaluate good players, the A's found new ways to avoid paying their players. Moneyball let them find comfort in not paying anyone, because they could just find another guy who (to quote Pitt in the movie) "gets on base."

Also, hate to say it, but SNL summarized that specific A's team better than Moneyball did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkWYhyL4V2s


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